Articles & Stories

Students frantically applying to study abroad with the WA government's decision to impose a deadline for applications.

The McGowan government said international students could start studying here, because they would automatically be granted work visas immediately after arrival, so there was no need to pay their first week's rent. However there is a catch. They have until Saturday to arrive or they miss out if they want to study in Western Australia.

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ScoMo the "Complete Psycho": According to claims related to former NSW Premier

State political parties have revealed alleged details of an exchange between Former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and a NSW government minister. Berejiklian says Morrison is "a complete psycho" and "a horrible, horrible person"

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The Australian federal government can't budget enough funding for all state programs.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warns states never to count on the federal government to help them recover from the Omicron wave. This means states now have to take greater responsibility and do the heavy lifting that the federal government has largely been doing throughout the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

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Sydney financier Ian Lazar exonerated in fraud case

A long list of failed prosecutions is becoming increasingly longer with the latest case against Ian David Lazar. The court granted costs against the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) in favour of Ian Lazar.

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