News 2014 IAN Lazar: Justice prevailed for Ian Lazar who stays the distance to clear his name.


In a long fought battle Ian Lazar was successful in his bail hearing in January 2015 to ensure his release as he fought for truth and justice.

Ian David Lazar was released on bail pending trial in 2015.

Mr. Lazar was in custody since being arrested in October 2014 until remained there until 15th January 2015 awaiting for a bail application.

Ian Lazar Falsely Accused and Imprisoned IN Long Bay Prison

Lazar was charged with multiple offences in 2014 and 2015.

A police report attempted to implicate Ian Lazar with the Sydney underworld by suggesting that Mr. Lazar maintained relationships with some significant criminals in Sydney. Mr. Lazar's counsel, Greg James QC, said the report outlined his client as one of a series of contacts of the people mentioned. Greg James, QC rattled off a long list of names most of whom had no connection with his client and all of whom were more likely to be a risk to Mr. Lazar, rather than the other way around.

Mr. James told the court that Mr. Lazar is not a risk to the public, nor is he a flight risk.

Magistrate Mark Buscombe called some of the police case against Ian Lazar "fundamentally defective" and labelled the police case against Mr. Lazar as "seriously flawed".

In granting bail, Magistrate Buscombe said that the defendant Ian Lazar was to report to a local police station in North Sydney on a daily basis, to surrender his passport, and that he was not allowed to approach any prosecution witnesses.

These are the types of injustices layered upon innocent people who dare to fight for the truth, and their freedom, against a few corrupt elements of the NSW police force.

Further bail conditions included that Mr. Lazar could not own a second mobile phone, that he was unable to leave his home between 8pm and 6am. Leaving his house outside of the curfew was only permitted when accompanied by his partner, respectively the mother of his partner.

Ultimately these charges were dismissed by the court or withdrawn by the ODPP (Office of The Director of Public Prosecutions) at committal.

Many questions are left unanswered.

Tort Law in Two Hours - Understand matters like false imprisonment.

This video races though an entire Australian undergraduate torts law course in the space of just two hours. This particular video covers the intentional torts: assault, battery, false imprisonment, conversion, detinue, trespass to land, defamation, economic torts, vicarious liability, and multiple tortfeasors.

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