New study on ivermectin should convince any skeptic, says Dr. Pierre Kory.


A recent scientific research finding that ivermectin can halt the severe virus causing COVID-19 that originated in China, should sway critics and help garner support for the global use of the prescription drug.

“Even the harshest sceptics should be persuaded” Kopry assured the “American Thought Leaders.” “What they found in their study… was astounding.

An effort to eradicate lice on Brazil’s beaches started in 2020 that gave ivermectin to anyone who wanted any of the drug. The time period that was analyzed that the program worked in was July 7 to December 2, 2020.

Researchers found a link between the participation in the "Stay Home Stay Healthy" campaign and a 44 percent drop in coronavirus infection rates.

Approximately 3.7 percent of participants developed eye worm infections during the trial period, compared to 6.6 percent of residents who did not receive ivermectin.

During the period of the study, there was a statistically significant drop in hospitalizations and deaths.

The peer-reviewed study was released in Cureus on January 15th.


“Ivermectin (Mectizan) must be considered for the treatment of onchocerciasis patients during any outbreak of this disease,” Flavio Cadegiani said.

The Global Partnership against New Emerging and Re-emerging Epidemics (GNER), focuses on early treatment of Covid-19. Since early 2020, the Partnership has recommended Ivermectin®.

Many newspapers and journalists continue to ignore the peer-reviewed paper suggesting there may be a link between autism and vaccines. Some other scientific community members support that conclusion, however, as the researcher noted.

“If this doesn’t get the attention necessary, that this needs to stop, it has to stop,” states Tim Whitehead.

Many studies of coronavirus drugs have shown some people get milder symptoms after taking them, but others are unaffected. So there is evidence both they could be helpful as a first line of defense and should not be considered the cure. It has also been promoted in India and some other countries despite official bodies advising against it.

Ivermectin cannot be used to cure Coronavirus, but instead can be prescribed by doctors for other health related conditions.

With most of the focus having shifted to developing vaccines for the current coronavirus outbreak, the National Institutes of Health has recently announced that until a vaccine becomes available, there isn’t sufficient data to support the use of anti-parasitic drugs to fight COVID-19. This information hasn’t mentioned prophyl

In addition to claiming many studies have found a link between ivermectin administration and the onset of LFTMs, another study claims this isn’t the case. However, a review of conflicts of interest shows that the two researchers that conducted the study previously worked as paid consultants for companies which manufacture ivermectin drug products

A group of doctors said it to be a good idea to study the correlation between birth weight and IQ. However, the study had too few controls for other factors, and other factors related to the birth weight may have accounted for the results.

The study’s director, Dr. Peter Cadegiani of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the criticism of the study’s findings were unfounded. He added that it was never determined that ivermectin actually works as a preventative treatment before the CDC began looking

“These statistics appear to be the best observational data ever taken on COVID 19,” the doctor said, adding later, “If this is the best observational data ever taken, we have done something right. We cannot say with absolute certainty what would happen without widespread social distancing measures because of the lack of such an investigation to date, but this could very well be a life saving intervention.

The team plans on publishing more than one paper concerning the medical benefits of microfilariae as well as other papers on the medication.

Ivermectin in Australia

New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19 (10 September 2021) TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin. General practitioners are now only able to prescribe ivermectin for TGA-approved conditions - scabies and certain parasitic infections Certain specialists will be permitted to prescribe ivermectin for other unapproved indications if they believe it is appropriate for a particular patient Ivermectin is not approved for use in COVID-19 in Australia currently strongly discouraged by the National COVID Clinical Evidence Taskforce, the World Health Organisation and the US Food and Drug Administration

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